
Guidelines for sending SMS messages

Before you start sending SMS messages in New Zealand, please ensure you understand the Consumer regulations around messaging as outlined by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment. In particular, refer to the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 and the TCF Mobile Messaging Services Code 2014

It is best practice to obtain end user consent before sending any communication from your service. Unsolicited messages are not permitted to be sent to end users. It is best to communicate with end users during their day-time, unless the message is urgent.



Message content

Marketing messages are not allowed in the message content.
Messages must include the contact details and the name of the company that is authorised to send the message.


Unsolicited messages are not permitted. Obtain end-user consent before sending any communication. In particular for marketing or other non-essential communications.


All SMS campaigns should allow the end users to opt-out of the program with a STOP type message at no-cost to the user.

Get in touch

For any additional help, give us a call on 0800 477 333 (8AM to 10PM, 7 days a week).