
Uploading content to your new site

Uploading content to your site is performed using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Please use the FTP IP address if your domain name is not currently live on our system. There are a number of FTP clients that you can use, such as Filezilla or Smart FTP which are free to download. You can also use the Plesk Control panel to upload files. See instructions below.

  • Log into your Plesk Control Panel. Your log in details will be in the email confirmation sent from us.
  • From the left hand menu, select "Website & Domains" This should be active by default. You can also click on "Files" in the menu. It will take you to the same page.
  • Click on "File Manager"
  • At the top of the page click on "Upload". From here you can select the file you wish to upload. The Upload feature will only upload a single file. However if you wish to upload a complete website, you can zip up the website prior to uploading and then upload the zipped file. There is the extract option in the Plesk control panel to unpack it when uploaded. This is the preferred option.
  • View your website through the Preview option.

A number of pre-configured directories exist in your account. Below is a short description of several of the important directories. 

httpdocs - The location where all files made available on the web should be published to. The httpdocs directory is in your sites document root folder.

error_docs - The error docs directory allows you to customise server generated errors, such as page not found. Simply replace the files with your own customised versions and contact us to enable custom error docs for your hosting account. 

private - The private directory sits outside the document root and provides a location to store files which you do not wish to be directly accessible by anonymous web users.

statistics - Log files used for Web Statistics Reporting. These files can't be accessed directly by FTP, but can be accessed through the Plesk control panel as well.

Sending Email From Your Website

If you are wanting to use our SMTP server to send email from your site, use the SMTP server listed below. However we do recommend and especially with our linux hosting is to use the mail() function that is provided by PHP. Most Content management systems such as Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla don't require the use of the SMTP server although they do give you that option.

SMTP Server..............:

Testing Your Site

If you need to preview your site before delegating your domain name you can use the 'Preview' option in the Plesk Control Panel. See below for instructions.
  • Log into your Plesk Control Panel. Your log in details will be in the email confirmation sent from us.
  • At the top of the Plesk Control Panel, click on "Preview" This will open the site in another browser window.

We recommend that you navigate around the Plesk Control Panel to familiarise yourself. From the Plesk Control Panel you can do other changes such is update to a newer version of PHP, add Lets Encrypt and so on.

Get in touch

For any additional help, give us a call on 0800 477 333 (8AM to 10PM, 7 days a week).