
Using the Plesk Windows Scheduler to call an ASP or .NET page


You would like to use the Plesk Windows Scheduler to call a particular ASP or ASP.NET script on your web site that will perform a function.


1. Click on 'Scheduled Tasks' in Plesk

2. Click on 'Add New Task'

3. Enter a description and notification email if required

4. In the 'Path to executable file' field, enter the following path: C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe

5. In the 'Arguments' field enter the following: D:\vhosts\\httpdocs\schedule.vbs  (replacing with your domain name)

6. Because cscript.exe won't execute an asp file, we'll need to create a vbs script, that will then call the asp script. In the schedule.vbs script, we'll use the xmlhttp request to open a web page. Copy and paste the script below and save to a file called schedule.vbs and upload this to your site.

Call RunIt()
Sub RunIt()

Dim RequestObj
Set RequestObj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

'Request URL...
URL = ""

'Open request and pass the URL "POST", URL , false

'Send Request

Set RequestObj = Nothing
End Sub

7. Now you can create your myscript.aspx page, or whatever you would like to name it to perform the tasks you require to be scheduled.

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