
We're excited to announce that we're making some long-awaited improvements to your Actrix email service to increase its stability and security.

We're also moving you to a new and improved webmail platform that will change the way you experience email.



I missed the email, what is happening?


Do I need to make any changes to my email settings?


When and how can I access the new webmail?


Will my contacts be impacted?


Will I lose any email?


What happens to my Cyberfilter?


Will I have to change my password?


Is there a change to my billing?


Will I have to reconfigure my email application on my Computer, mobile, or tablet? (Outlook, MacMail, Thunderbird, etc)


Do I have to do anything?


What about my email address?


Will all my aliases / custom domain emails keep working?


Will the name of my email address stay the same?


I have an auto-responder / vacation message enabled on my email. Will I have to set this up again?

If you have any other questions regarding this upgrade, you can email us at