Welcome to the new Actrix Webmail Guide.
This page gives you a guide on how to use our new Actrix Webmail platform.
1. How do I log in?
1. To log in to your email, navigate to webmail.voyager.nz
2. Put in your full Actrix email address "youremail@actrix.co.nz" and your email password.
3. Click Sign in
2. Overview
1 - Folders: Folders list is on the left hand side of the screen
2 - Emails: Are sitting to the right of the Folders List
3 - Email Preview: From the middle to the right hand side of the screen
3. How do I send an email?
1. To send an email, you will need to log into your webmail.
2. Once logged in, click on New Message in the top left hand corner, add sender email address into "To" box, write in a Subject line and type up your email in the text box.
3. Once you have typed up your email, Click the green Send button
To add a custom name to your email:
Click on the Settings button
1. Select Properties.
2. Type in the name you want shown on an email when you send an email.
3. Click Save
This is what the recipient will see when they receive your email:
To send multiple contacts an email:
Option 1
1. Click on Contacts
2. In your list of current contacts, Highlight the names/emails or the people you wish to email ticking the tick box
3. Once ticked, on the right hand side of the screen, a Selected Contacts list will pop up with a Green "Mail Them" Button.
4. Click Mail Them
5. This will take you to your email text box and in the To section will show all the email addresses you selected in the Contacts section in Step 3.
6. Write your email and Click Send
Option 2
1. Click Send message on your home page in the webmail.
2. In the To Box, type in the email addresses you would like to send an email to.
(each email address is to be separated by a comma)
3. Type up your email and click Send.
4. How do I check my email (inbox)?
1. Once you have logged into the webmail, you are taken straight to your Inbox where you can see all emails in your Inbox
5. How do I add a contact?
1. To add a contact, you'll need to log into your webmail.
2. Click on the Contacts Button at the top of the screen.
3. Then click New Contact and add the Name and Email address,
4. Click Save
If you would like to set up a contact Group with
6. How do I change my password?
To change your password,
1. Click on the Settings button.
2. Click on Email Accounts,
3. Click on Password.
4. Type in your current password, then type in your new password and click Save
7. How do I get to the settings menu?
1. The Settings menu button is located in the top right hand corner of the screen.
8. How do I set up email forwarding?
1. To set up email forwarding
2. Navigate to the Settings menu and click on Email Accounts,
3. Click on Forwarding.
4. Tick Enable Mail Forwarding.
5. Add the in forwarding email address and click Save.
9. How do I set up an auto reply?
To set up an Auto Reply:
1. Navigate to the Settings menu and click on Email Accounts,
2. Click on Auto Reply.
3. Tick Turn Auto Reply On.
Optional: Add a Subject line to your Auto Reply Email
4. Type in what you would like to say in the Auto Reply Text box.
5. Click Save
10. How do I add an email signature?
To add an Email Signature:
1. Navigate to the Settings menu and click on Email Accounts,
2. Click on Signature.
3. Click the button on the left side to highlight the text box to add a Signature (This will turn blue).
4. Type in your signature.
5. Click Save.
Please note: You will not be able to add a picture to your signature.
Signature Icons
1. Insert a Link
2. Remove a link
3. Numbered List
4. Bullet Point List
5. Insert a horizontal line
6. Change text font
7. Change text size
8. Bold text (Ctrl + B)
9. Italic Text (Ctrl + I)
10. Underline Text (Ctrl + U)
11. Align Text Left
12. Align Text Centre
13. Align Text Right
14. Justify Text
15. Change Font Colour
16. Change Text Background colour
11. How can I manage my folders?
To Manage your folders:
1. Click on the Manage Folders button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
2. This will bring up a list of the current folders.
You can now Add or Delete a folder.
You can also move the folders up and down the list using the up and down arrows on the right.
If you would like to hide or show a folder, tick/untick the boxes under the Subscribed list.
Ticked: shows in the folder list.
Unticked: hides the folder in the list.
You can also see how many emails are in your folders, this is shown under the Msg's list.
12. How do I log out of my email?
To Log out of your email:
Click on the Logout button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
13. Email Navigation
To check for New Emails:
1. Click the Check Mail button above your Email Inbox.
To Mark an email as Read:
1. Either click on the email to open it,
2. Or click on the tick box next to your email and select Mark as Read.
To Move an email to another folder:
1. Click the tick box next to the email and select the Move to Folder button and choose the corresponding folder you want to move the email to.
To Delete an email:
1. Click the tick box next to the email and press the Delete Button.
2. To empty the full trash folder, click the arrow next to the Delete button and Select Empty Trash.
3. To empty the full spam folder, click the arrow next to the Delete button and Select Empty Spam.
To mark an email as Spam:
1. Click the tick box next to the email and press the Spam button
To Search for an email:
1. Type the email subject line or the sender name/email address into the Search bar.
14. How do I add an email to the Blacklist and Whitelist?
To add an email to the Blacklist and Whitelist:
1. Navigate to the Settings menu and click on Email Accounts,
2. Click on Spam
Add an email address to the Whitelist to ensure that email address will never get marked as spam.
Add an email address to the Blacklist to ensure that email address will always get marked as spam and will go to the spam folder.
3. Click Save.
If you would like to override the current Domain Defaults,
Tick Override Domain Defaults
Choose an option from the Spam Delivery Options
Deliver: Delivers the email to the Inbox.
Move to Spam Folder: Moves the email to spam folder (set by default).
Discard: Move the email to the Trash Folder.
15. How do I change the amount of email messages shown in my folder?
1. Click on the Settings button. and click on Email Accounts,
2. Under the Common Tab,
3. Next to Messages per page, Change the number of email messages shown on the page from 1-99.
4. Click Save
16. How can I change the layout of my Inbox?
1. Click on the Settings button,
2. Under the Common Tab,
3. Next to Layout, Choose the layout you prefer, there are two options:
4. Click Save
17. How can I change how many contacts I see on my page?
1. Click on the Settings button,
2. Under the Common Tab,
3. Next to Contacts per page, change the number of contacts shown on the page from 1-99.
4. Click Save
18. How can I change the autocheck time for new emails?
1. Click on the Settings button.
2. Under the Common Tab, next to Autocheck mail every [Time]
3. Click on the drop down menu and select the amount of time you want to autocheck for new emails
4. Click Save
19. How can I change the time format? 12 hours/24 hours
Click on the Settings button.
2. Under the Common Tab,
3. Next to Time Format, Select either 1PM (for 12 hour format) or 13:00 (for 24 hour format)
20. How can I change the timezone of my emails?
1. Click on the Settings button.
2. Under the Common Tab,
3. Next to Time Offset, Choose the timezone you prefer via the dropdown menu
4. Click Save.
21. How can I find the mailbox usage?
There are two places this could show depending on the layout of the webmail.
If the webmail layout looks like this, the email usage will show in the bottom left hand corner of the screen under the "Manage Folders" text
If the webmail layout looks like this, the email usage box will be in the bottom right hand corner of the screen:
To see the percentage amount, hover over the box using the mouse