What is it?
Callflow Lite is an online dashboard which lets your administrator or I.T support person see and manage your callflows.
Allows the user to create call flows.
Allows the user to create groups with the capability to add devices to those groups.
Allows the user to add media files to the account.
Allows the user to create custom IVRS/Menus or edit them.
Allows the user to create custom Time of Day's or edit them.
Allows the user to create Time of Day sets or edit them.
Allows the user to set up Call Forwarding.
Allows the user to Set up Do Not Disturb.
Allows the user to set up Prepends.
Allows the user to set up Selective Call Recording
User Guide
* Click on > to expand the menu - if you are using a mobile phone or tablet, please view in landscape
Accessing Callflow Lite
Access the Callflow Lite app by logging into your Voice Portal account here: https://cloud-voice.voyager.nz/
Creating Groups
What Can I do here?
- Assign Users, Devices, and Groups to a Ring Group
- Set ring strategy to concurrent or sequential
- Set Ringback destination
- Set number of times to ring members before ringback
How to create a ring group:
Once you have logged into your Voice Portal, click on the Callflow app and click Groups
From here you can manage your groups, you have the option to edit or delete an existing group, or create a new group
To Create a new group:
1. On the left hand side, click "Add"
2. From here you can Choose a name for your group e.g Sales
3. On the right hand side, you can choose from your existing devices and users to add to the group by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting the User/Device
4. Once you have added the Users and Devices, click the Save button.
5. Your new group will now show up in the list
To Delete a group:
Click on the group you want to delete and click Delete in the bottom right hand corner.
Creating Media Files
What can I do here?
- Play an audio file such as a greeting for Open Hours, After Hours, Menu and Voicemail recordings
- Can create, upload, or Text to Speech files
- Can assign Persona for TTS voice
- Can set stream option
When adding a media file, please ensure your file type is added as a .mp3 file type.
How to create a media file:
1. Once you have logged into your Voice Portal, click on the Callflow app and click Media
On the left hand side you have the option to create, edit or delete a media file
To add a new Media File:
2. Click Add
3. Name your media file related to what your media is (e.g Main Open Hours Menu) so you can distinguish your file from other media files.
4. Click Choose File - you will need to choose a file from your desktop folder
1. If you would like to set up a Text To Speech (TTS) instead, click on the drop-down menu next to "Media Type" and choose TTS
2. You can then write your message in the Text box that has appeared.
3. You can choose the voice by clicking on the drop-down menu "Select"
Recommended: "Female/en-US" or "Male/en-US" for English
Creating Menus
How to create a menu:
1. Once you have logged into your Voice Portal, click on the Callflow app and click Menu
On the left hand side you have the option to create, edit or delete menus
2. Click Add
3. Name your Menu appropriately (e.g Open Hours Menu)
4. Add in a PIN to allow you to record a greeting from your phone
5. In the Greeting message section, you can either select a media from the drop-down menu or you can create a new greeting by clicking Create This will bring up a pop-up box to create a new media file.
6. Click Save once completed.
Creating Time of Day Rules
Time of Day rules are the rules you make for your incoming calls during open hours and after hours for your business.
How to create a Time of Day:
1. Once you have logged into your Voice Portal, click on the Callflow app and click Time of Day
On the left-hand side, you have the option to create, edit or delete Time oy Day configurations
3. Click +Add
4. Choose a relevant name for your Time of Day (e.g Monday to Friday or Open Hours)
Repeats: Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
- Weekly: On a weekly basis
- Monthly: every month on a day of your choosing
- Yearly: Every year on day of your choosing
If you choose Weekly, you can choose the days you want this to run and the time
Every: 1 week is the default as this will run every week
On: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Start Date: Choose to start on a particular date or Time of day start ASAP you will need to choose a date before today.
Time: choose what time you want this config to run (e.g 9am to 5pm) - this set up is in 24-hour Format
Enabled: Choose when you want to enable this
- Based on Time: This will be active during the timeframe that you choose
- Forced on: This will stay on and override any other Time of days set up
- Forced Off: This Time of Day will not run
If you choose Monthly, you can choose when this runs by pressing the drop-down menu in the "On" Section
If you choose Yearly, you can choose the month and date when this will run:
Every: (choose how option you want to repeat your time of day)
On: Choose what days you want to run the configuration
Start Date: To have this Time of day start ASAP you will need to choose a date before today.
Time: choose what time you want this config to run (e.g 9am to 5pm)
Please note this set up is in 24-hour Format
Enabled: Choose when you want to enable this
- Based on Time: This will be active during the timeframe that you choose
- Forced on: This will stay on and override any other Time of days set up
- Forced Off: This Time of Day will not run
Creating Time of Day Sets
Time of Day sets, allows you to set up a few days using the same rule. For example, Public Holidays.
1. Open your Callflow Lite app
2. Click on Time of Day Sets
3. Click +Add
4. Name your Set
5. Drag what options you would like to add to your set from "Unselected Rules" to "Selected Rules"
6. Click Save
Callflows (Basic)
The video above gives you an overview of how to create/manage your callflow using the basic options in the Actions menu
To create a Callflow:
1. In your Callflows lite app, click Callflows
2. Click "Add" on the left-hand side
3. In the middle of the screen you will have the option to name your new callflow by clicking the edit box (this is not mandatory however it makes searching for your callflow easier)
In the pop-up box there is an option to select "List this callflow in Main Number"
What this means is, if this is ticked, you will have the option to select this callflow from your Control Panel app for your Main number Click here to look at the guide for our Control Panel app
4. Once you have named your callflow, Click Save.
5. You will now need to assign an extension number or a DDI to your callflow. You can do this by clicking "Click to add number". Then select a spare number from your account or choose the extension option
(Extension numbers are 3-4 digits)
Once you have added a number, you can create your callflow!
Callflows (Advanced)
Set up Call Forwarding
How to set up Call forwarding:
We recommend using the Features Codes in our Control Panel App:
Update Call-Forward *56
Enable Call-Forward *72
Disable Call-Forward *73
Toggle Call-Forward *74
However, you can enable/disable call forwarding via the callflows by:
1. Navigate to your callflows app and create a new callflow
2. Name your callflow and assign an extension
3. From the Actions Menu under Call Forwarding, drag Enable call forwarding and Save changes.
4. You can also follow the same guide to make a new callflow using the Disable Call Forwarding action.
Set up Do Not Disturb
How to set up your user or device for Do Not Disturb (DND) using a callflow:
Go to your Callflows App, and select Callflows
Click Add on the left-hand side and input an extension and a name to your callflow (this must be different than any other extensions currently in use on your account).
On the right-hand side in your "Actions" Click on "Do not Disturb and pull "Toggle Do Not Disturb" to your callflow.
Anytime you dial this extension number (e.g 777) on your device, it will activate/deactivate Do Not Disturb.
Please note: You also have the option to choose "Activate Do Not Disturb" and you can create a separate callflow using the "Deactivate Do Not Disturb"
Set up Prepends for Callflows
What is a Prepend?
Caller ID Prepend allows for an alphabetical word to show on the screen of the recipient's phone when an inbound call comes through. Example: "sales" or "support". This feature can help determine where a call has come from.
How to set up a Prepend:
- From the Callflows App, create a new callflow and from the Actions Bar, select from the option "Caller ID"
- Click on Prepend and drag it to your callflow.
- Add the prepend name (e.g Sales) and click Save.
- Configure your callflow after the prepend and save the callflow.
If you have a menu and/or a Time of Day set up, the Prepend will need to be added after the Menu options (see below):
Toggling Time of Day
If you require any further assistance, please contact our helpdesk on 0800 477 333 seven days a week 8 am - 10 pm NZST or send us an email at support@voyager.nz.