This guide gives you an overview of how to create/manage your callflows using the advanced options in the Actions menu
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Device button
You can add a device to your callflow. However, adding a device will bypass any features that are set up on your user (if you have that device assigned to a user)
To add a device to your callflow:
Click on the Advanced section in the Actions menu and drag your device to the callflow
Callflow button
You can add a callflow button to your existing callflow. For example, if you have an After Hours callflow you would like to point your calls to, you can do this here:
This option will then point the afterhours to the new callflow:
Page Group Button
Page Groups allow you to call a phone and have it automatically answered and placed on speaker phone. This is useful for making announcements but does require the phone to have a speaker function.
1. Create a new Callflow and call it Page Group or something appropriate
2. Click to add number and assign either a spare number or a new extension. For example *99 - Click Add
3. From under Advanced - Click and drag Page Group under the new callflow
4. Confirm who will be part of the page group. This could be either
- a list of users
- a list of devices
- or an existing group
- Name the Group if required
Click Save
5. Click Save Changes once you've finished configuring.
As part of your Page Group, press *99 (or the extension/number you chose to add). This will allow you to call all devices in the page group and automatically have it turned on and placed on speaker phone.
*Note your phone must have a speaker function to be able to use page group.
Missed Call Alert Button
The missed call alert button will send the user an email if they have missed a call.
To add this to your callflow it will need to be placed after the user/device/ring group.
Click on the Missed Call button to customise the alerts. You can also choose the User/s you would like to add if you have added this option after a ring group.
You do this by dragging the user/s from the "Unselected Users" to the "Selected Users"
In the email section, you can add one or multiple emails addresses that will be sent an email notification.
The email notification will look something like this:
Group Pickup Button
The Group Pickup function allows you to build a call flow to pickup calls that are ringing on other extensions. You can create multiple groups depending on your requirements.
Before you create your callflow you will need to create the group:
1. Click on the Callflow Lite app once you have logged into your account
2. Select Groups
3. Create a new group by clicking the +Add button.
4. Name your group and assign the Users and devices you would like added into your group. This means that if any calls are going to that device, you can pick it up on your phone by dialing the extension number you will assign to your group pickup callflow. Click Save
5. Go back to your Callflows by clicking either "Callflow Lite" or "Return to Callflows Home"
6. Click on Callflows
7. Create a New Callflow, and Name it Group Pickup - assign the extension *8
8. Drag the Group Pickup Action button from the Advanced menu to your callflow.
9. In the Drop-down menu, choose the Group Pick up that you had just created in the groups section. Click Save
10. Click Save Changes
Check Voicemail Button
The Check Voicemail feature gives you the option to check our voicemail while you are at home from an outside device.
This can be added to the main callflow as an extra menu option if you have an extra menu number available.
Please note: This can be a security risk as anyone could dial into this if they press the incorrect menu number. We recommend using *97 from your phone.
How to add this:
On your main callflow - drag the Check Voicemail button to your menu
If you require any further assistance, please contact our helpdesk on 0800 477 333 seven days a week 8 am - 10 pm NZST or send us an email at